Gaslicht-Kultur e.V.

Gaslicht-Kultur e.V. is a registered charitable association for the promotion of Berlin's gas street lighting. Formerly known as Gaslichtinitiative Berlin, we have been active for the conservation of gas street lighting in Berlin since 1985. Fine examples of our early work can be found in Alt-Tempelhof and Sophie-Charlotten-Straße. Our efforts rescued Alt-Tempelhof's inline lamps back from the brink of demolition. These lights still stand today. Additionally, we prevented the street lighting's electrification on Sophie-Charlotten-Straße. Instead Schinkel lanterns and suspended gas lamps have been installed to illuminate the pavement and the traffic lanes.

We demand that Berlin's gas street lighting (or at least a representative portion thereof) be preserved as an element of typical everyday Berlin culture. Moreover, we demand the recognition of gas street lighting as significant cultural heritage. Berlin's gas street lighting is an industrial monument which is unique worldwide. Therefore, it needs to figure appropriately in Berlin's future city planning and development. We aim to establish Berlin's gas street lighting as a brand in the cultural and tourist sector.

To this end we raise awareness for the heritage significance of Berlin's gas street lighting with cultural organisations, street lighting planners, potential sponsors and Berlin tourists. Our guided tours to Berlin's gas lit areas are increasingly popular with tourists from around the world and with Berliners themselves. We offer gaslight tours by bus, by bike and also as city walks.

Gaslicht-Kultur e.V.
Am Postfenn 5
14055 Berlin

phone.: 0179 / 81 06 747


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